Creating permanent impact
Although attempts to create a world wide “Coca-Cola for the wine category” have miserably failed, part of the wine suppliers and most of the retailers use a strategy which leads to commoditization. Especially the continuous stream of very deep cut-price promotions is encouraging consumers to limit themselves to a limited set of brands and grapes. It’s easy to understand that the whole wine industry with the exception of a few big players will suffer from this strategy.
To counter the commoditization smart solutions are required. Unfortunately a lot of well-meant initiatives lack a key component limiting it’s impact. Increasing the knowledge of wine drinkers will certainly help, but wine courses usually only last a few weeks. Supply chain initiatives, including cooperations on the production side, to enable smaller wineries to bring their wines to the market usually lack the last step: bars and/or stores where wines and consumers come together. So they still have to “negotiate” their way into the market putting the wineries and the importers in a vulnerable position.
So we believe it would be helpful for most wine importers to have a “tool” which creates a real impact, can be tailored to represent the own identity and guarantees direct results for the short and longer term. In our opinion the self exploring wine bar concept can be this tool.